Thursday, October 10, 2013

Trip to St. Lucia

We drove to Orlando in the cover of darkness and were met at the off site parking lot by mark's "good friend" Scott who will take and pick up clients at the airport at all hours of the day and night. With all the traveling Mark has done these past few months, they are on a first name basis!  :-)

Flight to Miami was uneventful and to wake ourselves up we ate Chinese food at 9:45 am. I think that's a first for both of us. Along with an expensive cup of coffee (do they sell cheap cups of coffee in airports?) and we are ready to go. Unfortunately (or fortunately...I guess better they discovered them before we took off!) they discovered a couple of mechanical problems on our plane right after leaving the gate in Miami, so here we sit...a couple hours later. Free pairs of headphones, water, inboard movie, and promises from the pilot to get out of here "sooner, rather than later" (that one is for you, dad) and we still sit. Thankfully I wore my zip off pants, so I could cool off my legs because because it's getting rather warm in here. 

Thank goodness we all have our little electronic "toys" to play pacify us until we get to moving.

1 comment:

Angie Gabb said...

I tried posting this on Wednesday, but didn't have an internet connection. So, we flew to St. Lucia on the 9th, not the 10th.