Saturday, October 19, 2013

St. Lucia Recap (Thursday)

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to keep up with blogging while we were actually IN St. Lucia and Antigua, so I'm going to do my best to remember all the sights, sounds and feelings from our stay there in this "post-blog".
The first morning there, we caught up on sleep and had a leisurely morning at the Spiegelberg's home. Then Tom took us into town.  On the way, we had to stop for fresh coconut.  Roadside sellers have their pick up trucks loaded down with green coconuts. They have their cutlass (big sword type knife) and they cut a hole in the top of the coconut.  Then you drink the water with a straw.  After all the liquid is out, then he will cut it open for you and you can scrape out the coconut jelly (which is why they are sometimes called "jelly nuts") which can resemble snot.  But it is very yummy!

After our bellies were full from coconut, we went into downtown Castries.  The economy relies heavily on tourism in St. Lucia. There was a Carnival cruise ship docked that day, but the crowds weren't there to show for it, so we did what we could to help out the economy by leaving behind a few US dollars for the vendors there.

For dinner that night, we were invited, along with the entire St. Lucian staff and their families, to Dr. and Mrs. Fleming's home. They served us a wonderful Indian meal and we had the chance to talk with everyone there.  You'll see from this picture, that kids are kids...they all love playing on tablets! That is Pastor Bram in the middle.

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