Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 7, Grand Canyon

We woke up relatively early due to the sun rising at like 5:30 or something crazy like that! So, we had a little breakfast and went to the Grand Canyon IMAX movie. It was good. I enjoyed the history of the canyon and there was enough of the stomach-dropping flight over the canyon for me. Mark said he would've liked more scenery, but still enjoyed it. From there, we went into the park along with the other throngs of people. We had packed some sandwiches so we found a nice little spot on the edge of the canyon to enjoy our sandwiches and chips. Then, for the girls, it was off to a Canon photography class--it was FREE! They allowed us to borrow a Canon digital SLR camera and memory card and take a nature walk with one of their experienced guides and snap as many pictures as we wanted! So, Hannah got a point and shoot camera and Maggie tried the big SLR. I think she enjoyed it a little too much and will be asking to use mine in the near future! :-) Our guide showed us how to frame our pictures better with layers of trees and canyons. It was definitely informative and very unique. I guess they go around a month at a time to different National parks. They were in Yosemite in June. I'd love to try their more advanced class sometime. I'll have to post some of my pictures on here to see what you think after I can get to a wireless hotspot. (I'm using a friend's home computer right now.) While we were in the photography class, the boys did a little hiking! They hiked down part of Bright Angel trail and here is a picture that Mark took on his phone of Jacob. Sorry, I don't know how to rotate it! The girls and I met up with them and also hiked part of the trail and then it was time to head back to the van via the shuttle. We met a nice woman (from IOWA) on the bus who was like a quality control person, timing the bus stops and making sure the drivers were doing a good job. We got to talking with her and learned a lot from her about the park. For example, she and her husband live full time in an RV in the park like 9 months out of the year. Also, Grand Canyon is the only National Park with a school system! It's mostly for the rangers and other worker's children. Can you imagine LIVING in the Grand Canyon National Park as a kid? What a cool life!
From the Grand Canyon we drove south towards Cottonwood via Flagstaff and Sedona. When we entered Oak Creek Canyon, our breath was taken beautiful! Then as we entered Sedona, I could tell why people say it's one of the most beautiful places on earth! The red rocks towering over the town are so majestic. We arrived at our friends' house and were greeted with a lovely homemade spaghetti dinner! YUM!

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