Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16: Hollywood and Nickelodeon

We headed to Hollywood today. We parked in a parking garage and headed up to Hollywood Blvd and the area outside Grauman and Kodak Theatres. There we saw the famous hand and footprints of the stars....some from back in the 1930's! We posed in front of the Hollywood sign...who knows? Maybe one of these kids will walk down the red carpet sometime!!!

We made our way to Burbank and found a very busy "In N Out Burger" restaurant! We enjoyed our hurried lunch and went over to our 2:30 tour at Nickelodeon given by a friend of a friend of Sarah and Steve's.
We saw how cartoons like Sponge Bob go from idea to tv show and the ultimate fun thing for the kids was that they got to go into the recording studio where they record the voices for Sponge Bob! Maggie was in the booth where Sponge Bob speaks and the adults got to hear the kids giggle and quote movie lines in different voices. It was so funny!

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