Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cinnamon Beach--Summer 2009

Ama and PapaBen and Luke vie for the football!
Here's a view of our condo from the golf course! BEAUTIFUL!
Adia, Maggie and J.B.
The four year olds!
We've been letting the kids have little sleepovers with their cousins. One of the Cioe boys asked Aunt Anne after he had been watching movies and eating popcorn: "When is the sleepover going to start?" I guess his expectations were a bit high as to what actually happens at a sleepover! :-)
The Gabb men got in a free round of golf on the beautiful Oceans course by our condo. I don't think they shot as well as they wanted, but got their money's worth!

We had some rain today so we did lots of playing inside for the first part of the day: reading, LEGOS, bracelet making, movies, Webkinz, etc. By late afternoon we were getting cabin fever (or maybe just the adults!) so we took the kids to the beach and/or pool. Some of us were able to catch some pretty good waves on the boogie boards. We learned that Luke is a fast swimmer! He beat Mark and Ang in a length race. We'll have to try to beat him tomorrow! Tacos for dinner were a hit and we sent the kids to bed early because of their late night last night. The adults got in a bit of Rock Band on Jacob and Luke's XBox and some are still finishing up a game of Phase 10 as I write this!

The Phase 10 group stayed up until 1:50 AM playing and I guess Aunt Kim was the victor! The kids got caught up on their sleep and Hannah took the prize for sleeping the longest: 13+ hours!!! The Gabbs and DeNoyers went down to the beach and the Cioes headed to the pool. We all got stuck in a torrential rain shower, but Uncle Mark, Maggie, Hannah and Jacob and Luke all braved the rain in the waves and did some great boogie boarding! After the rain stopped, Aunt Sarah and Aunt Angie got in on the great waves too! What a rush! Hang ten!

We got to see the Space Shuttle Endeavor blast off today after 2 other tries. We got to see it in the sky for approximately 2 seconds before it disappeared back behind the clouds. Some of us stopped in the model home in the development where we're staying. It was such a beautiful house that Maggie and Adia wanted to stay there! When we asked the realtor how much it cost, he said it was actually a pretty good deal: only eight ninety nine....hmmm...well, I guess I have some money lying around....I'll take two! :-) But really this is a nice new area....they've only been renting out the condos where we're staying since 2006!

Spaghetti and meatballs were great for supper and the kids did a craft and had another "sleepover". Ben and Rachel and Chelsea came over for the night and we played some cards!

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