Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Letter 2007

Behind the smiles in these pictures are hearts that are filled with joy as we celebrate God's gift given to all people at Christmas - the birth of his Son, Jesus Christ. In him we all have a Savior who lived and died in our place so that all who believe in him have the promise of eternal life in heaven. That's the joy that fills our hearts at Christmas and throughout the whole year!

It's been awhile since we've last written a Christmas letter. Our family has grown, not in number, but in size (at least we like to think that only the kids have grown in size!) and in age (we'd like to think that's true only of the kids, too, but we know that isn't that case.)

One of the things that's common to hear around our house is the phrase, "When I grow up..."

When I grow up….
We often hear around our house the phrase “when I grow up, I’m gonna be a….” Well, often the answers don’t really match up with what the kids are doing at that present stage. If we had to tell you what each of our kids was going to be when they grow up by the activities they are doing now, here’s what we’d have:

Jacob (2 ½) will be a gardener or a garbage collector. His favorite pastimes include taking the garbage out to the dumpster and pulling weeds around the house and church. He is earning his keep also with helping mom bring in the groceries. I’m sure in a few years, he’ll be the one EATING most of the groceries I bring home! He’s growing so big!

Jake with his cousins, Jacob and Luke DeNoyer

Hannah (5 in January) will either be an acrobat, comedian or a model. The child cannot sit still and can always be seen flipping over the couch armrests or jumping off of the swings at the playground. If you ask her to smile for a picture, she gets the most coquettish look you could think a 4 year old could make. She loves a funny book or movie too. I wish we could bottle up her laugh to send along with this letter. It would brighten anyone’s day! We’re already concerned about her as a teenager. All that being said, she enjoys dance class, 5 day a week preschool, and playing with her siblings and friends.

    Maggie (7) wants to be a cowgirl or a mermaid but she will probably end up a spelling bee champ, master organizer or a teacher. Her spelling and reading skills are really taking off and on a daily basis, we hear something like this: “Dad, I can spell DISNEY WORLD.” (So Mark and I are now having to brush up on our pig latin so we can communicate in code!) She loves to organize things! She helped me find a place for all the books, games and toys on our new bookshelves in the living room. You would think then her room must always be immaculate. I didn’t say she liked to “clean”! J Maggie, in first grade, is emerging as a leader and she loves to try to teach Hannah to read. According to her teacher (Miss Kemnitz), she helps the Kindergarteners when they need some help with their work.

    Maggie with her cousin, Abby DeNoyer

    Mark still isn’t sure what he wants to be when he grows up, but for now, he is enjoying being a pastor! He stays busy with church and school work and is enjoying running in Florida (especially from October to May!) He was recently asked to be a part of the South Atlantic District Mission Board which helps the smaller mission churches in the southeast with grants, support of the pastors and such. He is enjoying that opportunity, and is learning A LOT!

    I’m pretty sure I’m not grown up yet but am happy at my current jobs. Besides being a mother (the most important job of all), I am a cooking music teacher! I became a Pampered Chef consultant in May and am really enjoying my new venture. My business partner, Tara, and I have been teaching Kindermusik for two years now in Florida! Besides that I am getting pretty good at doing buns in the girls’ hair for their once a week dance classes. It’s amazing what a little gel can do!

    Other bits...
    Mark and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this past April (a little earlier than our actual anniversary date of June 6) with a cruise to the Western Caribbean! My mom came down to stay with the kids (thanks again mom!) and we took off from Tampa (one of the perks of living in Florida…not having to FLY to the port of call!) on a Monday afternoon and got back early Saturday morning after visiting Grand Cayman and Cozumel. We discovered the joy of cruising and would love to plan another one in a few years with friends! Anyone interested?!

    We have been thoroughly enjoying everyone’s letters and cards and thus that jumpstarted me into actually WRITING a Christmas letter this year. Sorry it’s been a while since we’ve sent one off! There really are no excuses. So, after Maggie did her first science fair project this fall on RECYCLING, we decided to go the electronic route and save on paper and postage and a little time too by doing this letter electronically! Thanks for bearing with us and we pray that you all find time this Christmas season to sit back and enjoy the true reason for the season—that our Savior from sin came to earth as a tiny baby to live a perfect life for us for 33 years only to die so that WE can go to heaven!

    We pray that this "blog" finds you well and we would love to have any visitors if you're ever in central Florida!

    God's richest blessings this Christmas and in the New Year!

    Your friends,

    Mark, Angie, Maggie, Hannah and Jacob Gabb

    Angie's Email: angiegabb@gmail.com

    Mark's Email: pastorgabb@stpauls.edu

    Phone: 352-465-2821

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