Tuesday, March 31, 2009

this and that

The kids were all in the Easter Pageant last week. Unfortunately, I only got pictures of Maggie in her costume. She was Mary Magdalene. It was an amazing job put on by the entire school. I think the kids learned a lot by putting on the play! Maggie is pictured here with her student teacher, Miss Smith. Miss Smith has been here for the past two months and will be returning to Minnesota on Saturday. Maggie has taken a real liking to her and is going to miss her terribly!

Jacob enjoys playing with his friends these days! He asks almost every day to have someone come over or go to someone's house. I grabbed this picture of him and his friend Eli while playing in our backyard.
Hannah really enjoys climbing trees! Here's one of her climbing a tree on church's property! Grandma and grandpa reminded her that her mom and aunts used to climb trees when they were little girls! Must be in her genes!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Little Red Hen

Jacob's preschool class just put on the musical, "The Little Red Hen". At home, he's been starting to call me "mama" instead of "mom" like he used to do. I liked the sound of it, but couldn't figure out why he had started doing this. Well, he played a "chick" in the play and one of the songs the chicks sing is "Mama mama mama, I'm hungry as a hog..." Mystery solved! Anyway, he did really great and except for a little squirrlyness by the class in general during the evening performance and an announcement by the red hen in the morning performance that she "had to go pee", it went very smoothly and everyone enjoyed the "cast party" after the final performance.