Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jake's first day of preschool!

Yep, Jake started school today. We arranged with the preschool for him to visit for the day and see how he'd do. Mrs. Welfel said he did really well, so he'll probably continue going on Tuesdays and Thursdays, maybe even as early as next week! He was very excited and I took a few pictures of him before school.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

First family camping trip

We took the whole family (plus Melissa and Kyle) camping on Friday night up at Ginnie Springs Outdoors. We got a beautiful site right on the Santa Fe river. We saw lots of wildlife: turtles, jumping fish, heron, buzzards, squirrels, and drunk college students. We went swimming in the springs where they have cave diving and we rented rafts to float down the river for about an hour and a half. Maggie's favorite part about camping was swimming in the springs. Hannah's favorite part was the bacon we made for breakfast and Jacob loved using the woods for a bathroom and collecting wood with dad. They all slept very well in the tents as well!

Let's celebr8, she's 8!

Here are a few of the gifts Maggie got for her birthday! We had a great day! We spent the night camping!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa's visit

We just had a great visit with Grandparents Rall. They were here from Wednesday night until Sunday morning. We had lots of time to visit, saw "Beverly Hills Chihuahua", went to Chuck E. Cheese's, took down Jake's crib and put up his new ark, I mean bed. Lots of laughing and reconnecting! Thanks for making the long trip down!!!