Thursday, August 28, 2008

Love those popsicles!

Here are some pictures of the kids enjoying some popsicles after playing outside after dinner tonight! It had cooled off a bit and we played some frisbee golf, baseball, and sandbox restaurant.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pictures from Fay....

Well, we survived Tropical Storm Fay! Thank goodness the rain is gone and we can start drying out around here! The kids missed 1 1/2 days of school in their first week. This week will be the first week when Hannah goes ALL DAY every day to Kindergarten!
I took a few pictures while we were cooped up in the house at the end of last week. Thought you might get a kick out of them!

Jacob and Hannah were dressed up like a bride and groom to get "married".

Maggie loved the Olympics this year. It's hard to imagine that Jacob will be her age the next time the Summer Olympics roll around! On Saturday night, she really wanted to watch the diving. Well, they showed the marathon IN IT'S ENTIRETY before the diving came on. I think she stayed awake to see a few dives, but then fell asleep on the chair. The darling part of this story is that Jacob, upon seeing her fallen asleep, took the blanket and covered her up! If that didn't make my heart swell.... :-)

Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

The girls started their first day of school today! Maggie is in 2nd and Hannah in Kindergarten. Here are some pictures from their morning. You'll see that Jacob enjoyed his trains after the girls were gone for the day!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Vacation in Orlando

The California Gabbs

The boys with their toys back in BH!